GOLDEN COCKEREL PRESS. GIBBINGS, Robert. ~ Songs & Poems by Henry Carey, selected by Moira Gibbings.
Waltham Saint Lawrence
Golden Cockerel Press
No. 17 of 30 special copies, signed by Gibbings. 20 wood engravings by Robert Gibbings, music drawn by Gladys Evans and engraved by W.M. Quick and printed in red and black, cockerel in gilt on title. Printed in red and black in Caslon Old Fact type on hand-made Arnold paper. 4to., original full vellum over boards, spine lettered in gilt, turn-ins with double gilt decorated fillets with floriate tool in corners, very edges with gilt decorated boards. A little rubbing to edges of binding, edges of book a little darkened, a little shaken but generally very good.
Chanticleer, Bibliography of the Golden Cockerel Press, 20
Stock ref: 11105
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