A Study of Two Pears/Etude de deux poires. by VERDIGRIS.…

A Study of Two Pears/Etude de deux poires. by VERDIGRIS. ROTHCHILD (Judith) & LINTOTT (Mark). < >
  • Another image of A Study of Two Pears/Etude de deux poires. by VERDIGRIS. ROTHCHILD (Judith) & LINTOTT (Mark).
  • Another image of A Study of Two Pears/Etude de deux poires. by VERDIGRIS. ROTHCHILD (Judith) & LINTOTT (Mark).

~ A Study of Two Pears/Etude de deux poires.

Octon, Verdigris Press 2004

Poem by Wallace Stevens translated into French by Bernard Noel. Nine mezzotints by Judith Rothschild accompanying a text in English and French, image of two pears in blind on the loose endpapers. Printed in hand-set letterpress on an 1867 Albion press. One of 50 copies printed on Hahnemuhle paper as a leporello (this no. 24), signed by the artist and printer Mark Lintott.10 3/4 ins x 11 3/4 ins, loose as issued in the original screen-printed wrappers of the curves of two pears in gold and green and slipcase also with screen-prints printed by the artist.

A sumptuous feast for the eye. Rothchild and Lintott producing yet another remarkable work of art.

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