Wrenching Times. by HICKS, Chris. GWASG GREGYNOG. SCHANILEC, Gaylord. WHITMAN,…

Wrenching Times. by HICKS, Chris. GWASG GREGYNOG. SCHANILEC, Gaylord. WHITMAN, Walt. < >

~ Wrenching Times.

Newtown Gwasg Gregynog 1991

One of 450 copies, this no.289. With 9 colour wood engravings by Gaylord Schanilec. Folio, uniquely bound in a designer binding by Chris Hicks of blue and grey morocco (Union and Confederate colours) with an onlaid flower in various colours on both covers, gold tooled with teardrops or drops of blood.

Whitman’s remarkable Civil War poems complimented perfectly by Hick’s dramatic binding, Schanilec’s remarkable colour wood engravings and immaculate printing.

Stock ref: 6330
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