Theatre Dog. by ERI FUNAZAKI & DANNY FLYNN, book artists.

Theatre Dog. by ERI FUNAZAKI & DANNY FLYNN, book artists. < >
  • Another image of Theatre Dog. by ERI FUNAZAKI & DANNY FLYNN, book artists.
  • Another image of Theatre Dog. by ERI FUNAZAKI & DANNY FLYNN, book artists.
  • Another image of Theatre Dog. by ERI FUNAZAKI & DANNY FLYNN, book artists.
  • Another image of Theatre Dog. by ERI FUNAZAKI & DANNY FLYNN, book artists.
  • Another image of Theatre Dog. by ERI FUNAZAKI & DANNY FLYNN, book artists.
  • Another image of Theatre Dog. by ERI FUNAZAKI & DANNY FLYNN, book artists.
  • Another image of Theatre Dog. by ERI FUNAZAKI & DANNY FLYNN, book artists.

~ Theatre Dog.

ff [Flynn & Funazaki] 2013

No. 2 of a limited edition of 5. 94 x 100 x 22mm. Bound in full calf leather with vellum blocked in black. Rounded spine made from a dowel and the vellum extends to form the pockets, where both ends of the concertina pages are inserted and attached to the cover. The doublures have been laser-printed from a drawing by the binder. The text by Danny Flynn and illustrations by Eri Funazaki were handset and printed in letterpress from zinc plates using an Adana Eight-Five onto Zerkall paper, which have been additionally hand-tooled in gold and blind. Housed in a full light green calf clamshell box lined with printed paper.

The text is an excerpt from a play involving two dogs having a heated conversation about their daily life (ie waiting to be told where to sit) written by Danny Flynn. “It has been both a new and experimental project that edits and shortens the longer play to fit the nature of typesetting for an artists’ book without losing the speed and the flow of the play”.

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