[PRESS OF THE WOOLLY WHALE]. CARY, Melbert B. ~ Melbert B. Cary and The Press of the Woolly Whale.
The Cary Graphic Arts Press Rochester Institute of Technology
Sepia frontispiece of Cary, 4 tipped-in page specimens and 14 reproductions, many printed in colour. One of 120 copies. Preface by David Pankow. Typography by Jerry Kelly. Letterpress printing by Bradley Hutchinson, offset printing by Finlay Printing Co. Pp. 79. 8vo., bound by Judi Conant in original half black morocco over ochre paper covered boards, Woolly Whale press device in gilt to upper cover, lettering in gilt to spine. An extremely good copy.
Essays by Carl Purington Rollins and Kenneth Auchincloss. With a bibliography of works produced by the Press of the Woolly Whale from 1928 to 1942, including undated ephemera.
Stock ref: 8913
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