RUZICKA, Rudolph. ~ Studies in Type Design Alphabets with Random Quotations.
Hanover, New Hampshire
Friends of the Dartmouth Library
10 broadsides of author quotations designed by Ruzicka using various alphabets each housed in a paper folder. Housed together with title page, introduction by Ruzicka and contents list. Quotation plates printed by the Meriden Gravure Company. Folio, original grey portfolio with black lettering and a matching slipcase. A very good copy.
The quotations are from works by Robert Frost, Paul Valéry, Herman Melville, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Shakespeare, Geoffrey Chaucer, Walt Whitman, Sir Thomas Browne and Henry David Thoreau.
With a ‘Compliments of the American Printing History Association’ book label.
Stock ref: 9127
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