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GILL, Eric. ~ Art and Prudence. 1930
Engraving for ‘Clothes’ by Eric Gill, published by Jonathan Cape in 1931.
Rather charmingly the engraving depicts a sculptor with a strong resemblance to Gill. L.W.…More details Price: £1,200.00 -
GILL, Eric. ~ Bread of These Stones. 1927
In the engraving is the inscription ‘Sic enim Deus dilexit mundum’ (For God so loved the world), from St John 13:16.
Engraved by Gill for Art…More details Price: £750.00 -
GILL, Eric. ~ Girl in Bath II [Portrait of Petra Gill]. [1923- printed 1929]
There was no edition of this engraving although it was used in ‘Wood Engravings’ published by St. Dominic’s Press in 1924. H
Here we have one…More details Price: £900.00 -
GILL, Eric ~ Like a Young Fawn. 1935
A very pleasing image and rather rare.More details Price: £1,400.00 -
GILL, Eric. ~ Madonna and Child. 1925
A gentle and tender image of the Madonna and Child.
The second state is the only one that appears in Physick.More details Price: £1,000.00 -
GILL, Eric. ~ Portrait of John Gray. 1928
John Gray had been a young poet and friend of Oscar Wilde in 1890s London and was rumoured to be the origin of Dorian Gray.…More details Price: £600.00 -
GILL, Eric. ~ Rahere. 1937
Proof of a design, which in its first state had been used on the cover of Saint Bartholomew’s Hospital Journal in 1938.More details Price: £500.00 -
GILL, Eric. ~ St. Christopher. 1923
Proof of a design for a carving of St. Christopher. Scarce as the block was destroyed and the image was not used elsewhere.More details Price: £1,000.00 -
GILL, Eric. ~ St. Thomas of Canterbury & Crucifix on Tree. 1928
More details Price: £400.00 -
GILL, Eric. ~ The Constant Mistress. 1934
Wood engraving which was used on the title-page of The Constant Mistress, by Enid Clay, Gill’s sister, published by the Golden Cockerel Press in 1934.…More details Price: £350.00 -
GILL, Eric. ~ The Lost Child. 1934
The engraving was made for the frontispiece forThe Lost Child and Other Stories by Mulk Raj Anand and published by Messrs. J.A. Allen & Co.…More details Price: £1,000.00 -
GILL, Eric. ~ The Martyrdom of St. Saturus. 1929
This image was engraved for The Passion of Perpetua and Felicity, published in 1930.
Physick 559More details Price: £750.00 -
GILL, Eric. ~ The Tale of Melibeus. 1929
More details Price: £850.00 -
GILL, Eric. ~ The Tennis Player. Proof signed by Gill 1923
One of Gill’s white on black, line wood-engravings, a classic image. Like The Skaters, it was based on a photograph in the 1923 Daily Mirror.…More details Price: £1,800.00 -
GILL, Eric. ~ This is Saint Christopher. 1921
On the back of the frame is a label from The Piccadilly Gallery in 1985 stating it was sold to Barnabus McHenry that year.
A really…More details Price: £3,200.00 -
GILL, Eric. ~ Twenty-five Nudes. 1938
Christopher Skelton in The Engravings of Eric Gill, 1983 regarding the printed title page and wrapper for Gill’s 25 Nudes: “The page was originally printed…More details Price: £2,500.00