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CORONATION OF EDWARD VII, 1902 ~ 67 photographs of the Coronation Procession on August 9th 1902; together with a Silver Coronation Medal. 1902
Commemorative medals were issued in two sizes, 56 mm and 31 mm in diameter and in different metals, with the larger, as we have here,…More details Price: £1,000.00 -
Bench, Saw & Plane. A Costwold Apprenticeship.
Whittington Press
More details Price: £25.00
NEW ZEALAND, SALVATION ARMY. ~ Cabinet photographs of members of the Salvation Army taken in New Zealand and Australia. c.1890s
More details Price: £300.00 -
ALASKA MAGAZINE. ~ Edition 2. Alaska Editions 2009
More details Price: £85.00 -
PHOTOGRAPHY. CONCENTRATION CAMPS. ~ KZ. Bildbericht aus funf Konzentrationslagern [Photo Report from five concentration camps]. American War Information Unit 1945
A very important and extremely scarce publication produced shortly after the end of the war to be distributed in Germany by the Americans to show…More details Price: £600.00 -
YOLLA BOLLY PRESS. ROBERSTON, James & Carolyn. ~ Making Books in the Woods. Covelo, California Yolla Bolly Press 1997
More details Price: £40.00 -
CASTELLA, Madame Cayat de. ~ Mme Cayat de Castella attachee a l'appareil quelques minutes avant sa fatale ascension. Brussels 1911
Mme Cayat de Castella used to strap herself to the undercarriage of her husband’s plane and then release herself at altitude. Tragically she fell to…More details Price: £120.00 -
More details Price: £85.00
GOLDBLATT, David. ~ Particulars. Johannesburg Goodman Gallery Editions 2003
Goldblatt’s strong book contains close-ups of parts of bodies and dreives from the time when he worked for his father who was a men’s outfitter…More details Price: £600.00 -
DETRAZ, A & REYMANN, J, Photographes, Geneve. ~ Souvenir du Grand Ballon Captif a vapeur. Exposition Nationale Suisse. Geneva 1896
More details Price: £150.00 -
DICKENS, Charles. ~ Two Original Photographs of Charles Dickens, gifted by his daughter Mary "Mamie" Dickens. c.1866
Two original photographs depicting Charles Dickens (1812-1870) presented by his eldest daughter Mary ‘Mamie’ to Eliza Davis (1817-1913), a notable correspondent of Dickens.
Eliza and her…More details Price: £1,400.00