- Keyword = Scottish
STEVENSON, Robert Louis. ~ Treasure Island. London Cassell & Co 1883
A very important tale of pirates, derring do, exotic isles and ocean voyages which has influenced boys’ literature for over a century.More details Price: £15,000.00 -
ROGERS, Woodes. ~ A Cruising Voyage Round the World: First to the South-Seas, thence to the East-Indies, and homewards by the Cape of Good Hope. Begun in 1708, and finish’d in 1711…containing a Journal of all the Remarkable Transactions…an Account of Alexander Selkirk’s Living Alone Four Years and Four Months on an Island…. London Printed for A. Bell and B. Lintot 1712
Contemporary ownership inscription of R. Hopwood dated 1716.
First edition of one of the classics of British buccaneering, and an important Pacific voyage. Rogers went…More details Price: £5,800.00 -
RICHARDSON, Sir John. ~ Arctic Searching Expedition: A Journal of a Boat Voyage Through Rupert's Land and the Arctic Sea, in Search of the Discovery Ships under command of Sir John Franklin London 1851
First edition of this account of a voyage to the Arctic regions, in search Sir John Franklin's expedition, by Sir John Richardson (1787-1865). Richardson studied…More details Price: £3,200.00 -
MACGILLIVRAY, John. ~ Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake, commanded by the late Captain Owen Stanley, R.N., F.R.S. &c. during the Years 1846-1850. Including Discoveries and Surveys in New Guinea, the Louisiade Archipelago, etc. To which is added the account of Mr. E.B. Kennedy's Expedition for the Exploration of the Cape York Peninsula. London T & W Boone 1852
"A very important voyage of exploration and scientific research" (Ferguson).. This, the official account, records the Rattlesnake's four year voyage, during which she made brief…More details Price: £7,600.00 -
GRANT, James Augustus. ~ A Walk Across Africa, or Domestic Scenes from my Nile Journal. Edinburgh 1864
In 1846 Grant obtained a commission in the 8th native Bengal infantry and during his time in India he met John Hanning Speke, they became…More details Price: £4,500.00 -
BUCHANAN, George. ~ Rerum Scoticarum Historia & De iure regni apud Scotos. Edinburgh (Antwerp) Alexander Arbuthnot (printed by G. van den Rade) 1583 & 1579
The”Law of Government Among the Scots” was first published in 1582 - so this is a very early printing. The following year it was condemned…More details Price: £2,800.00 -
DARIEN COLONY. ~ The History of Caledonia: or, the Scots Colony in Darien in the West Indies. With an Account of the Manners of the Inhabitants, and Riches of the Countrey. By a Gentleman lately arrived. London printed and sold by John Nutt 1699
In 1695 the Scottish Parliament passed an Act which gave authority to the new ‘Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies’ to set…More details Price: £3,600.00 -
BAIKIE, W.B. ~ Narrative of an Exploring Voyage up the Rivers Kwora and Binue, commonly known as the Niger and Tsadda in 1854. London John Murray 1856
Born in Orkney, Baikie studied medicine at Edinburgh University. He joined the Royal Navy in 1848 and soon attracted the notice of Sir Roderick Murchison…More details Price: £1,250.00 -
ROSS, John. ~ Memorial of John Ross & Others, Representatives of the Cherokee nation of Indians, on the subject of the existing difficulties in that nation, and their relations with the United States. May 4, 1846. (Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs, and ordered to be printed). [Washington 1846]
29th Congress, 1st Session: the Cherokee nation claims financial restitution for their lands under treaties of previous years, including those of 1828 and 1833. Ross…More details Price: £600.00 -
[RIDPATH, George]. ~ An Enquiry into the Causes of the Miscarriage of the Scots Colony at Darien. or an Answer to a Libel entitled A Defence of the Scots Abdicating Darien. Submitted to the consideration of the Good People of England. Glasgow 1700
One of the most important of the few existing Darien tracts being a detailed explanation of why the Colony failed and a defence of the…More details Price: £2,500.00 -
MCADAM, John Loudon. ~ Remarks on the present system of road making with observations, deduced from practice and experience, with a view to a revision of the existing laws, and the introduction of improvement in the method of making, repairing, and preserving roads, and defending the road funds from misapplication. Bristol printed and published by J.M. Gutch 1816
McAdam’s system relied on layers of carefully graded stone laid on a well-drained base; the topmost layer of stones were to be broken by workers…More details Price: £2,900.00 -
FERGUSON, James. ~ An Introduction to Electricity. In six sections. London W. Strahan & T. Cadell 1770
Elihu Thomson’s copy with his signature and bookplate of the Elihu Thomson Collection of the Franklin Institute Library, deaccessioned. Initially Ferguson’s lectures dealt mainly with…More details Price: £1,900.00 -
BRUCE (James, of Kinnaird). ~ Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile in the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773. Edinburgh 1790
An amazing survival being uncut in the original publishers boards.
Born in Stirlingshire, Bruce went to Harrow and then studied Law at Edinburgh University, a degree…More details Price: £5,800.00 -
BOSWELL, James. ~ The Life of two volumes. London printed by Henry Baldwin for Charles Dilly 1791
W. Strong is addressed in the letter as Rev.d Archdeacon Strong – he has used the blank page of the letter to make notes on…More details Price: £15,500.00 -
SCOTT, Walter. ~ Waverley; or, ‘Tis sixty years since. Edinburgh James Ballantyne & Co & Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, London 1814
With this romance of the Jacobite rebellion, begun in 1805, laid aside, and then completed within three weeks in 1814, Scott ‘at one blow... established…More details Price: £7,800.00 -
MITCHELL, Sir Thomas Livingstone. ~ Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia. London John Murray 1848
Booksellers label from Melbourne.
With a presentation inscription from Mitchell’s sister: ‘From the Author’s sister to Miss Hall, with warmest wishes for her welfare’.
Between 1831…More details Price: £2,800.00 -
HUTTON, James. ~ The Theory of the Earth; or an Investigation of the Laws observable in the Composition, Dissolution and Restoration of Land upon the Globe. In: ‘Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Vol. I, 1788’, pp. 209-304 + plates I-II with explanation leaf. Edinburgh J. Dickson 1788
Hutton gave his ground breaking address in a paper read to the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 1785 and this 1788 printing was the Society’s…More details Price: £9,000.00 -
HOLMES, Sherlock. DOYLE, Arthur Conan. ~ The Crowborough Edition. Garden City Doubleday 1930
The complete works of Conan Doyle including the four novels and over 50 Sherlock Holmes short stories. It also includes all his other plays, romances,…More details Price: £12,000.00 -
FLETCHER, Andrew of Saltoun. ~ A Discourse of Government with Relation of Militia’s. Edinburgh & London 1698-1702
All bound in contemporary calf with ‘Misc. R.’ on the spine label in gilt and with the booklabel of Thomas Foley of Great Witley Court…More details Price: £950.00 -
MATHESON, James, of the firm of Jardine, Matheson & Co of Canton ~ Present Position and Prospects of the British Trade With China; together with an outline of some leading occurrence in its past history. London Smith, Elder & Co 1836
INSCRIBED by the author to ‘Col. Oswald with the Author’s Compts.’
An assessment of the history and present state of trade in China. A man of…More details Price: £5,200.00