Pervigilium Veneris. The Vigil of Venus. by GOLDEN COCKEREL PRESS.…

Pervigilium Veneris. The Vigil of Venus. by GOLDEN COCKEREL PRESS. BUCKLAND WRIGHT, JOHN. < >
  • Another image of Pervigilium Veneris. The Vigil of Venus. by GOLDEN COCKEREL PRESS. BUCKLAND WRIGHT, JOHN.
  • Another image of Pervigilium Veneris. The Vigil of Venus. by GOLDEN COCKEREL PRESS. BUCKLAND WRIGHT, JOHN.
  • Another image of Pervigilium Veneris. The Vigil of Venus. by GOLDEN COCKEREL PRESS. BUCKLAND WRIGHT, JOHN.
  • Another image of Pervigilium Veneris. The Vigil of Venus. by GOLDEN COCKEREL PRESS. BUCKLAND WRIGHT, JOHN.
One of only 100 copies in a fine citron morocco binding

~ Pervigilium Veneris. The Vigil of Venus.

London Golden Cockerel Press 1939

Translation by F.L. Lucas. One of only 100 numbered copies, printed for subscribers, this no. 60. 18 original copper engravings by John Buckland Wright being a combination of pure line-engraving and tints etched using the sugar-aquatine method. Large 4to., original full citron morocco Sangorski & Sutcliffe binding with a frieze of cockerels tooled in blind around the top and bottom of the whole binding, spine lettered in blind, in the original brown buckram slipcase. The usual offset from the turn-ins on the free endpapers, some spotting throughout.

A beautiful and very limited edition. The process used gives an intensity to Buckland Wright’s gently erotic engravings. The text with its superbly balanced refrain “Cras amet qui numquam amavit, quique amavit cras amet” (Loveless hearts shall love tomorrow, hearts that have loved shall love once more) is printed in both English and Latin on opposite pages.
The smallest total limitation of any Golden Cockerel Press title.

Pertelote 141, Reed A33a.
Stock ref: 11841
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