- Keyword = Lettering & Mss
EHMCKE, F.H. ~ 160 Kennbilder. Eine Sammlung von Warenzeichen Geschftsverlags-und Buchersignets. Munich C.H. Beck’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung 1925
More details Price: £100.00 -
GILL, Eric. CLEVERDON, Douglas. ~ A Book of Alphabets for Douglas Cleverdon drawn by Eric Gill. Wellingborough Christopher Skelton 1987
Gill produced this book of alphabets for Cleverdon in 1926 when he was staying in Bristol with Desmond Chute with the purpose Cleverdon in his…More details Price: £250.00 -
Alphabet Exhibition.
Staples Press
More details Price: £25.00
HAGUE, Rene. CAMPBELL, Peter. CHRISTOPHER SKELTON. ~ Death of Hector. Wellingborough Christopher Skelton 1973
The Death of Hector was a radio play written by Rene Hague, son in law and partner of Eric Gill. Hague was multi-talented and here…More details Price: £300.00 -
KOCH, Rudolf. ~ Der Nieblunge Noth. Berlin Julius Bard 1911
This was a companion volume to Koch’s edition of the Gudrunsliede which he designed and supervised.More details Price: £200.00 -
KOCH, Rudolf. ~ Die Bergpredigt Jesu Christi in der Lutherschen Übersetzung.[The Covenant of Jesus Christ in the Lutheran translation]. Leipzig printed by Offizin F.A. Lattmann for Xenien [c.1920]
With the booklabel of Thea Maller-GüttmannMore details Price: £700.00 -
BREMER PRESSE. BORCHARDT, Rudolf, translator. ~ Die Grossen Trobadors. Munich printed at Mandruck A.G. for the Bremer Presse 1924
One of the series of “Werkdrucke” issued commercially by the Bremer Presse between 1923 and 1930. The books were designed in the Press’s workshop using…More details Price: £55.00 -
BREMER PRESSE. VOSSLER, Karl. ~ Die Romanischen Kulturen und Der Deutsche Geist. Munich printed at Meisenbach, Riffarth & Co for the Bremer Presse 1926
One of the series of “Werkdrucke” issued commercially by the Bremer Presse between 1923 and 1930. The books were designed in the Press’s workshop using…More details Price: £50.00 -
GERMAN TYPOGRAPHY. WEISS, E.R. ~ E.R. Weiss zum funfzigsten Geburtstage, 12. Oktober 1925. Leipzig Insel Verlag 1925
The festschrift for Emil Rudolf Weiss, a leading German calligrapher, typographer, type and book designer who worked in the first half of the 20th century…More details Price: £280.00 -
MORISON, Stanley. ~ Early Italian Writing-Books Renaissance to Baroque. Boston Printed for Members of Hoc Volo, David R. Godine, Publisher 1990
With the original prospectus loosely inserted.More details Price: £30.00 -
SPIRAL PRESS. SHAHN, Ben. ~ Ecclesiastes or, The Preacher. New York Spiral Press 1965
More details Price: £150.00 -
LOËVEN, Justin.
Forget Me Not.
Justin Loëven was known to be making these kind of printed illuminations in England in the second half of the 19th century. He produced valentines…More details Price: £50.00
ROGERS, Bruce. BERNARD, Auguste. ~ Geofroy Tory. Painter and Engraver. First Royal Printer. Reformer of Orthography and Typography under François I. Cambridge Riverside Press 1909
A fine example of Bruce Roger’s mastery of typography, design and illustration. For his design of Auguste Bernard’s important work on Geofroy Tory – the…More details Price: £240.00 -
STONE, Reynolds. SPARROW, John. ~ Grave Epigrams. Printed by Simon Rendall at Bembridge 1974
More details Price: £50.00 -
ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS: I. The President's Log Book 1909-1910 and II: The President's Log Book 1920-1921.
Together with a volume presented to John Douglas (President of the Caledonian Society of London 1920-21 and Secretary 1909-10) organised by the Federated council of…More details Price: £800.00
KIENZLE, Hermann. REINER, Imre. ~ Initialen von Imre Reiner. Mit vielen Satzbeispielen und historischen Initialen in zweifarbigem Druck Eingeführt. Basel Benno Schwabe & Co. 1942
More details Price: £40.00 -
STONE, Reynolds. ~ Janet Alphabet. 2009
More details Price: £100.00 -
ROUSSELET, Gilles, calligrapher. ~ L'Oraison Dominicale. Paris? c.1660
A remarkable and exquisite manuscript of The Lord’s Prayer by the great French calligrapher Gilles Rousselet (1610-1686). He worked as calligrapher, engraver and printer-publisher at…More details Price: £2,600.00 -
Lettering. A Plea.
Privately printed for members of the First Edition Club
Percy Smith’s essay on architectural typography, ‘a plea for the greater consideration of lettering more especially in relation to architecture’, reprinted here from ‘The Architectural…More details Price: £40.00
GERMAN PRINTING. LOMETSCH, Fritz. WAGGERL, Karl Heinrich. ~ Lob der Wiese. Gottingen Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht [1948]
A really lovely book in praise of the countryside.More details Price: £80.00