We will be exhibiting at the Oxford Fine Press Fair this weekend and bringing some really superb Private Press books including the Golden Cockerel Press Canterbury Tales and Troilus, the Cranach Hamlet, a Kelmscott Nature of Gothic and books from the Doves Press, Essex House Press, Gregynog Press and Cresset Press.
There will be numerous books illustrated with wood engravings by the greatest engravers including Eric Gill, Blair Hughes-Stanton, Gertrude Hermes, Agnes Miller Parker, David Jones, Reynolds Stone, Clare Leighton amongst others. Lucien Boucher features with his eye catching or eye popping lithography.
Although we haven’t been able to do the photography in time as the majority of these books are brand new in stock, a good list can be seen here….https://www.ssrbooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/FinePressFair23.pdf
If you are in Oxford during the weekend please come to visit us at stand 36.