- Keyword = Private Press
RAVEN PRESS. SOUTHEY, Robert. BYRON, Lord. ~ A Vision of Judgement by Robert Southey and The Vision of Judgement by Lord Byron. Harrow Weald Raven Press 1932
With the original prospectus inserted loose.More details Price: £150.00 -
NASH, Paul. GOLDEN COCKEREL PRESS. ~ Abd-Er-Rhaman in Paradise by Jules Tellier. Waltham St. Lawrence Golden Cockerel Press 1928
The first translation into English from the original French of Jules Tellier’s ‘Les Deux Paradis’.
Nash’s wood-engravings are fine examples of his work, Clare Colvin in…More details Price: £450.00 -
NASH, Paul. GOLDEN COCKEREL PRESS. ~ Abd-Er-Rhaman in Paradise by Jules Tellier. Waltham St. Lawrence Golden Cockerel Press 1928
The first translation into English from the original French of Jules Tellier’s ‘Les Deux Paradis’.
Nash’s wood-engravings are fine examples of his work, Clare Colvin in…More details Price: £180.00 -
NASH, Paul. GOLDEN COCKEREL PRESS. ~ Abd-Er-Rhaman in Paradise by Jules Tellier. Waltham St. Lawrence Golden Cockerel Press 1928
The first translation into English from the original French of Jules Tellier’s ‘Les Deux Paradis’.
Nash’s wood-engravings are fine examples of his work, Clare Colvin in…More details Price: £150.00 -
MERRYMOUNT PRESS. UPDIKE, D.B. MARTIN, Edward Sandford. ~ Abroad with Jane. Boston Privately Printed 1918
American journalist Martin’s sprightly travel book chronicling his journey to England and Europe.More details Price: £30.00 -
GRABHORN PRESS. MILLER, Henry. ~ Account of a Tour of the California Missions, 1856. The Journal & Drawings of Henry Miller. San Francisco printed at The Grabhorn Press for The Book Club of California 1952
Includes 19 early images of missions including Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara etc.More details Price: £100.00 -
MERRYMOUNT PRESS. UPDIKE, D.B. HIGGINSON, Henry Lee. ~ Addresses by Henry Lee Higginson on the Occasion of Presenting the Soldiers' Field and the Harvard Union to Harvard University. Boston The Merrymount Press 1902
Alumnus and Civil War veteran Higginson’s address upon gifting 31 acres of land to Harvard College. Higginson founded the Boston Symphony Orchestra in 1881.More details Price: £20.00 -
WINDHOVER PRESS. TRUEBLOOD, Ernest V. ~ Afternoon of a Cow. A Pseudonymous Story by William Faulkner. Iowa City Windhover Press The University of Iowa 1991
More details Price: £30.00 -
GWASG GREGYNOG. MILLER PARKER, Agnes. ROGERSON, Ian. ~ Agnes Miller Parker: Wood Engravings from XXI Welsh Gypsy Folk-tales. Newtown Gwasg Gregynog 1997
A superb reprinting of the wood engravings executed by Miller Parker for the Gregynog XXI Welsh Gypsy Folk-Tales of 1933 which was printed in only…More details Price: £800.00 -
COLT PRESS. WALKER, Franklin. ~ Ambrose Bierce, the Wickedest Man in San Francisco. San Francisco The Colt Press 1941
An overview of Ambrose Bierce’s journalistic experiences in San Francisco including one of his book reviews - “The covers of this book are too far…More details Price: £50.00 -
ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. ASHBEE, C.R. ~ American Sheaves & English Seed Corn: being a series of addresses mainly delivered in the United States, 1900-1901. London printed at the Essex House Press in Bow, published by Edward Arnold and Samuel Buckley in New York 1901
With the decorative booklabel of R.T. Gibbon and one of the noted collector John Lewis. Ashbee served on the council of the National Trust between…More details Price: £300.00 -
TALLONE. TASSO, Torquato. ~ Aminta. Favola Boschereccia. Alpignano Alberto Tallone 1967
Italian 16th century poet Tasso’s pastoral play, the story of Aminta’s unrequited love for the beautiful nymph Sylvia.
With the booklabel of Robert Wayne Stilwell.More details Price: £80.00 -
MERRYMOUNT PRESS. UPDIKE, D.B. ~ An Account of the Dedication of The West Window of St. John's Church, Beverly Farms, Whitsunday, May 31st 1925. Boston The Merrymount Press 1925
The dedication of the west window of St. John’s Church, finely printed by Updike, and with a plate, diagram and explanation of the symbolism of…More details Price: £180.00 -
GOLDEN COCKEREL PRESS. ~ An Apology for the Life of Colley Cibber, Comedian, and late patentee of the Theatre-Royal, written by Himself. Waltham Saint Lawrence Golden Cockerel Press 1925
The 1740 colourful memoir of the British actor-manager, playwright and Poet Laureate Colley Cibber (1671-1757). He had great comical success but was considered brash and…More details Price: £120.00 -
GOLDEN COCKEREL PRESS. FIELDING, Henry. ~ An Apology for the Life of Mrs Shamela Andrews by Mr Conny Keyber [Henry Fielding]. Waltham Saint Lawrence printed by Robert Gibbings at the Godlen Cockerel Press 1926
Edited and with an introcution by R. Brimley Johnson.More details Price: £35.00 -
An Extract from Enemies of Books.
New York
Press of the Woolly Whale
[n.d. circa 1934]
Blades’s 19th century diatribe on biblioclasts and book preservation, this extract on the perils of women and children in the library.More details Price: £30.00
GOLDEN COCKEREL PRESS. MILLER, Patrick. WEBB, Clifford. ~ Ana the Runner, A Treatise for Princes & Generals attributed to Prince Mahmoud Abdul. Waltham Saint Lawrence Golden Cockerel Press 1937
Sandford wrote of printing this work: “To print a new manuscript with which one has falled in love is to deck the beloved. When one…More details Price: £250.00 -
Animal Antics.
Golden Cockerel Press
A rather lovely little book printed for Christmas and dedicated by the author to Robert Gibbings.More details Price: £20.00
RAMPANT LIONS PRESS. MILTON, John. ~ Areopagitica. A Speech of Mr John Milton for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing to the Parliament of England. Cambridge Deighton, Bell & Company 1973
The most widely read of Milton’s prose works, his famous defence of the freedom of the press, written in opposition to the parliamentary order that…More details Price: £350.00 -
GILL, Eric. ~ Art and Manufacture. London Printed by the Fanfare Press for the New Handworkers’ Gallery 1929
Here are Gill’s thoughts, eloquently put, on what is Art and what it is for. “The artist is a man who makes things - that…More details Price: £450.00