- Keyword = Fine Bookbinding
GILL, Eric. ~ Toilet. 1923
After a drawing by Norval Gray whose initials are engraved in the block.
Extremely scarce thus - no edition is recorded by Physick.More details Price: £1,200.00 -
GAVIN DOVEY, designer bookbinder. MONGIN, Morina. MOUCHA, Miroslav. ~ Touchez Voir. Paris 2018
The binder writes that “the design reflects the modest and minimal nature of the illustrations, with the cover in white and the inside mirrored in…More details Price: £3,500.00 -
ERNST, Max. MERCHER, Daniel-Henri. ~ Une Semaine de Bonté ou Les Sept Éléments Capitaux, [A Week of Kindness, or the Seven Deadly Elements]. Paris Jeanne Bucher 1934
Max Ernst’s ‘Une Semaine de Bonté’ is one of the great artist’s books and a landmark of the Surrealist movement. Ernst created his 182 images…More details Price: £12,000.00 -
HICKS, Chris. GWASG GREGYNOG. SCHANILEC, Gaylord. WHITMAN, Walt. ~ Wrenching Times. Newtown Gwasg Gregynog 1991
Whitman’s remarkable Civil War poems complimented perfectly by Hick’s dramatic binding, Schanilec’s remarkable colour wood engravings and immaculate printing.More details Price: £1,400.00